List of Events

  1. Visitor inside Roger Hiorns Seizure, 2008, Courtesy Arts Council Collection at Yorkshire Sculpture Park

    Seizure Admission

    In order to conserve the artwork and extend it's lifespan, access to Seizure is by pre-booked time slot only. Capacity is limited and we recommend booking prior to your visit to avoid disappointment. Admission to YSP is included in all Seizure tickets.
  2. A row of seated white plaster figures in front of a circular yellow artwork made from bindi stickers.

    Bharti Kher Life Drawing

    Join us for a one-of-a-kind life drawing workshop inspired by Bharti Kher’s powerful Six Women sculpture.
  3. A large bronze abstract sculpture displayed outdoors, with rolling hills and trees in the distance.

    Beyond the Visual: Collaborative Audio Description

    Use new and experimental techniques to describe, interpret and share experiences of sculpture in this workshop from YSP, Henry Moore Institute and University of the Arts London
  4. A group of adults and babies sitting together in a circle. In the centre is a smiling baby crawling towards their adult.

    Sculpture Baby: Laura Ellen Bacon

    Spend creative time with your baby and enjoy this sensory session inspired by Laura Ellen Bacon’s exhibition in the Chapel.
  5. A group of people sitting on yoga mats and practicing yoga inside a gallery space.

    Yoga and Sound Bath: Laura Ellen Bacon

    Join us for a yoga practice in the Chapel, surrounded by the inspirational artwork of Laura Ellen Bacon.
  6. A boy taking a phone photograph of a brightly coloured mosaic Buddha figure.

    Sculpture Spy Activity

    There are around 100 outdoor sculptures to be discovered at YSP. How many will you spy today?
  7. A flock of geese flying over a lake at sunset

    Sculpture and Nature Hunt

    Seek out sculptures and discover the beauty of nature at YSP.
  8. A large tree, enclosed by a circular dry stone wall

    Andy Goldsworthy Trail

    Andy Goldsworthy has created four permanent works in the landscape at YSP. Follow our three-mile circular trail and see if you can find them all.
  9. A group of adults and children drawing together outdoors

    Discover in a Day 2025

    Start your Arts Award adventure at YSP. Arts Award Discover is an introductory programme for children and young people aged up to 25.