Support us

YSP is an exceptional place

It is a place for people to access and interact with art and nature. A place to walk, to learn, to be inspired, and to enjoy.

But YSP is also a registered charity and an accredited museum. Of the £4 million it costs each year to deliver our creative and learning programmes, and to maintain our listed landscape – which boasts 500 acres of parkland, 1,650 trees, and historic features – YSP is responsible for raising over £3 million (80%) of this figure via ticket and retail sales, catering, events and fundraising.

We know how exceptional our supporters and visitors are. For those wanting to show further support to YSP, there are a number of ways you can do this. For any queries please contact

How you can help:

Comment and share the fabulous times you have had at YSP.

You can also help by liking and sharing our posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Keep safe, look after each other, and we hope to see you at YSP soon.