About Teacher CPD: Techniques in Printing - Inspired by Nature

Exclusively for Wakefield teachers, this hands-on interactive session will explore a range of printing techniques which can be replicated in the classroom, including relief printing, screen printing and Collagraph.

Teachers will create their own paper and textile prints using stencilling and repeat pattern techniques with natural materials foraged in the grounds of YSP. The session will also introduce teachers to artists who use processes such as re-drawing from nature and repeat patterns inspired by journeys and storytelling, similar to the practice of the session’s artist-facilitator, Sarah Jane Palmer. They will also learn how to use a variety of materials in ways they perhaps haven’t experienced before, in an experimental way with found natural materials foraged from the grounds of the Park.

This workshop will provide ideas and techniques to take back to school but is also an opportunity for teachers to reconnect with their own artistic practices and creativity. Teachers will be able to take all of their prints with them after the session, as well as a helpful ‘how to’ guide for each of the printing techniques covered.

This teacher CPD session is funded by Wakefield Our Year 2024 and is therefore only available for teachers in the Wakefield district.

Registration and refreshments will be provided from 15.30 and the session will begin promptly at 16.00

The session will be based in the Hayloft at YSP Learning, which is accessed via YSP’s Park Lane entrance, NOT the main visitor entrance. Attendees will receive an email before the session with further details and directions.

Dates and Times

  • 16.00–18.00 Book now