About Summit Festival: Mingling Bodies with Caleb Parkin

Part of the Summit Festival, join some of the UK’s most celebrated poets, writers, and ecological thinkers for two days of transformative discussions, workshops, and performances.

Caleb Parkin’s poetic ethos is centred around inviting a reflexive, embodied and sensuous re-engagement with environment. In this seriously playful workshop, we meet around an otherworldly pool to ‘contaminate’ each other’s writing. Here, we unsettle individual and collective authorship by plunging into poems. We will look at watery and 'pondy' poems, which play with scale and weirdness, to manifest otherworldly vibes.

Booking for more than one Summit Festival workshop? Pick up a Summit Festival Pass for access to all Summit Festival events.

Dates and Times

  • 15.45–17.15 Book Now