About Governor Wellbeing

For Wakefield District Governors

Join us for a twilight session of relaxation and wellbeing in the beautiful surroundings of Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Learn about how to take care of your mental health and wellbeing and why being outdoors, on even the gloomiest of days, is essential for a positive mindset.

We will also share tips for maximising our sleeping well potential and will discover how spending time in nature, light, and connecting to the rhythms of nature can support our physical and emotional health.

This session is a collaboration between Future in Mind and YSP and will be led by Sara Kendrick from Wakefield’s Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service.

The event will begin in the Hayloft at YSP Learning and further information will be emailed to participants in advance. For any enquiries, please email learning@ysp.org.uk.

Dates and Times

  • 16.00–18.00 Book Now