About Peter Randall-Page

Primal patterns of a seemingly chaotic world come to the surface in sculpture

New Statesman

This extensive exhibition brought together new and recent sculpture and works on paper by one of Britain’s foremost artists Peter Randall-Page.

The artist used the large spaces of the Underground Gallery as a catalyst and platform for an ambitious range of work which has extended his practice and given expression to ideas developed over many years. New pieces included a striking, innovative series of wall works in fired clay based on geometry and symmetry, and two monumental Kilkenny limestone carvings.

All aspects of Randall-Page’s practice were represented in this exhibition, including his working processes through the display of maquettes and models in the Project Space. The Garden Gallery featured small-scale objects and works on paper, with the lawns around the Underground Gallery framing a wonderful range of large-scale sculptures.

Our most intimate understanding of three-dimensional form comes from our own and other people’s bodies. When we look around the world we see the outside of something and wonder what might be inside. I try to tap into this, implying from the modulations of a surface what may be happening inside – a delicate balancing act. The illusion has to be consistent, just like a fictional world. It’s a parallel world. The illusion I’m talking about has to understand itself and have a metaphorical relevance to our world.

- Peter Randall-Page
Peter Randall-Page, Fructus and Corpus, 2009 Credit: Jonty Wilde ©

Randall-Page’s work is informed at every turn by a lifelong study of organic form. Nature’s myriad complexities are a source of ongoing fascination to him, from the underlying mathematical principles that drive life and growth to the incredible patterns and forms found in the natural world.

An intelligent and astute artist, Randall-Page references music, ancient artefacts, science, mathematics, geometry, botany; he has an insatiable appetite for knowledge and a longing to investigate the minutiae of the world around him.

Peter Randall-Page, installation view, 2009 Credit: Jonty Wilde ©