About Sound Bath: Bharti Kher

Let go of the stresses of modern life and immerse yourself in a soothing sound bath session designed to rejuvenate your mind and body, surrounded by Bharti Kher's Alchemies exhibition.

As the gentle drumming sets the rhythm, the enchanting tones of Himalayan singing bowls will guide you into a state of deep relaxation, paving the way for the powerful resonance of the gong to work its magic. Allow the vibrations of these ancient instruments to harmonise, bringing balance and ultimate relaxation to every fibre of your being. With each sound, feel yourself drifting into a state of inner peace. After a brief interlude of silence, be gently brought back to the present moment by soft percussion instruments, leaving you feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Sound Healing is classed as a low-risk activity. To ensure sessions are safe we do recommend not to attend if you are in the first trimester of pregnancy or if you have conditions such as epilepsy or unmanaged mental health challenges. Please note if you have had recent surgery, broken bones or have metal implants in your body you may feel sensations in those areas.

Dates and Times

  • 09.00–10.00 Book Now
  • 09.00–10.00 Book Now
  • 09.00–10.00 Book Now