Suhasini Kejriwal: Garden of Un-Earthly Delights

Suhasini Kejriwal uses sculpture, painting, photography and collage to create detailed and imaginative landscapes, inspired by observations made in her daily life. She considers how technology has changed our perception of nature. What was once seen as exotic is now commonplace through easy access to unlimited images.

Garden of Un-Earthly Delights, explores the divide between humans and nature. The artist’s home garden was the inspiration for the work, which became her sanctuary during the Covid-19 pandemic. All the flowers, succulents and leaves are drawn from the species grown there.

Kejriwal has a deep interest in the history of the English garden and its colonial connection to India, when British botanical species and garden designs were first introduced. The layers of images represent the hybrid species that exist in India today as a result. The work also marks an evolution in the artist’s practice with totemic sculpture. With this series she has moved away from contrasting hard and soft materials with embroidered surfaces, to hand-painted bronze on a monumental scale.

Kejriwal lives and works in Kolkata, India. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Parsons School of Design, New York and a Master of Fine Arts from Goldsmiths College, London. She has exhibited widely, in India, Berlin, and in London at Frieze Sculpture 2023.

An installation of bronze cacti and a leafy tree, displayed outdoors.

I aim to bridge the chasm between the harshness of reality and the realm of the imaginary - blending the everyday and the fantastic. Nature and the human form are never merely subjects of science or fine art; they are integral components that make up the tapestry of our society.

- Suhasini Kejriwal

Courtesy RMZ Foundation, India. Special acknowledgement Nature Morte, India.