Anthony Caro: Dream City

Anthony Caro often explored the relationship between sculpture and architecture, initially inspired by the experimental work he produced with architect Frank Gehry in 1987. He went on to coin the term ‘sculpitecture’ to describe this area of interest and cross-over. Having defined a career, and era, with his brightly coloured steel sculptures in the 1960s, he later explored the possibilities of working with the natural oxidisation of the material.

Part of Caro’s ‘sculpitecture’ series, Dream City continues the artist’s investigations into how works exist within their environment and how they relate to the people experiencing them. Caro had exhibitions on rooftops in New York and Tokyo, and the title of this work reflects the relationships between art, buildings and landscapes.

The connection between Caro and YSP was first made in 1978 with the loan of Sculpture Seven (1961). In 1994-95 his Trojan War works were shown in our Pavilion Gallery, and in 2001 the exhibition Sculpture and Sculpitecture marked the opening of Longside Gallery.